Free Online Training

by Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

"Coaching Greatness"

5 Ways to Ignite Your Passion & Purpose to Grow Your IMPACT in Coaching!

This Webinar is for...

Any trainer or coach looking for even greater results for their clients & members.

Anyone looking to create even more IMPACT in their LIFE…and the life of others!!!

Any fitness business owner or entrepreneur who wants to be able to scale their IMPACT within their business!

Any life-coach or want-to-be “life-coach” who is searching for how you can best take your gifts, talents, & desires to help even more people discover their deepest divine purpose and live their best life.

Anyone who just LOVES being around positive energy and looking to somehow serve even more…but not sure how to best do that YET.

Watch this video by Todd Durkin on "COACHING GREATNESS"

“COACHING GREATNESS – 5 Ways to Ignite Your Passion & Purpose to Grow Your IMPACT in Coaching!”

WHEN: Tuesday, August 27th

WHERE: On ZOOM (so you can join from anywhere in the World!)

TIME: 10 am PST/1 pm EST

Hey IMPACT-makers,

Todd Durkin here. I’m so excited for this webinar coming up on August 27th…and I invite you to join me on it LIVE.

Now check this out...

In 2024, I’ve shared the major goals that I've been working on from publishing my book, TRUE STRENGTH, to launching a new franchise called IMPACT-X Performance, and finally to the incredible LIVE event I held in L.A. in July called the IMPACT Summit. All of these goals happened because I have a desire to go deeper & deeper to help empower others to empower others.

And I want to continue to proliferate that kind of IMPACT by offering this FREE training!

My promise to you in this webinar is to help you with your own re-inspiration, rejuvenation, or perhaps even your own plan to create an IMPACT. I want to INSPIRE you to CREATE GREATNESS at a whole new level, regardless of what you do for a living.


Because the last I checked, the potential to help someone transform their life is more needed today than ever before. As I have shared my story of overcoming some extreme challenges and pain in TRUE STRENGTH, so many people have come to me and said that they are struggling, too, and they are searching for deeper meaning and deeper purpose in their own lives. If this sounds like you, or if you know someone who is struggling right now, you know that transforming a life isn’t easy.

Maybe you are a trainer, a teacher, a health professional or even a manager who leads a team of people. You light up when you help people get better, but you want to do even more! The problem is that you’re lacking some of the skills, knowledge and maybe even the confidence to dive deeper with your people.

You know how that works, right?

People come to you for help. You’re a good listener. People confide in you. At first it feels good when someone asks for help. But sometimes you may feel a bit helpless because you don't know how to best help or don’t know the answers.

Although you want to make a difference, you may feel or experience one or more of the following:

You don’t always know what to best say to help them or coach them to complete transformation.

You’re scared that you’re going to say or do the wrong thing.

You sense that they might be looking for more than you can offer.

You sometimes feel completely helpless and frustrated, and so does your client.

You sense that if they could just get through their obstacle, they could achieve greatness. But you don’t know how to best help them breakthrough.

Which is why when I work with people who want to become coaches and life transformers, they often tell me:

“I love what I do, but I want to do more.”


“I want to create more IMPACT and make a bigger difference.”


“I want to bring out the best in my people, but I don’t know how to go deeper.”

Sound about right?

The reason I know this is because I have been there, too. Back when I started training in the gym, there were times where I’d be working out with a client, then suddenly they would get emotional and start describing something they were going through in their life.

I wanted to help them, but because I was inexperienced, I didn’t always have the knowledge or wisdom to do more than listen. I offered what I could, but when they left, I would be so frustrated because I wanted to help them even more than just the physical aspect. I wanted to dig deeper with them. I wanted to go “there,” but I was timid and not confident in my skills quite yet.

Of course, I wasn’t about to give up, but I needed to figure out how to empower people to further empower themselves. And I was willing to learn what it took to become a major LIFE-TRANSFORMER.

It was then I had a major AHA! I realized that if I studied what really makes people tick and learned the secrets of the high performers (heck, I was already working with some of them), I could use those tools and techniques to go even deeper with people.

And that’s what I did. I started learning more. I started going deeper. I studied and got coached by mentors and coaches over the better part of 2 decades to exponentially increase my own toolbox to change lives in ALL areas of coaching and LIFE. It ultimately allowed me to take my coaching to a whole new level. A deeper level. One that allowed me (and still does!) to train people from the inside out. Professionally. Personally. And in LIFE!

As a result of this growth and learning, instead of feeling helpless and frustrated, I could actually see the difference people were getting in their own transformations.

I could see what happened when I was able to get under the surface to discover what drove a person to be their best, and it FIRED ME UP!

Now I’ve been coaching for 25+ years, and I know that COACHING is my “divine uniqueness.” And while I believe for me it’s what I do best, I have learned so many things that I want to share with you that can help YOU be an extraordinary coach, too.

Here’s the thing…

Because I care so deeply about coaching people to get better and transform their lives, I have put together this FREE training where I’m going to share 5 Ways To Create MAX IMPACT in Your Coaching.


“COACHING GREATNESS -- 5 Ways to Ignite Your Passion & Purpose to Grow Your IMPACT in Coaching!”

WHEN: Tuesday, August 27th
TIME: 10 am PT/1 pm ET

WHERE: ZOOM (It’s a Webinar that you can join from anywhere in the World!)

Specifically, in this training, I'm going to do a deep dive on:

Lesson #1

Top 7 Traits of the GREATEST Coaches to Ever Live…and which ONE is mandatory for Any Coach!

Lesson #2

My Top 3 Lessons, Top 2 Mistakes, and 1 MUST-DO in 25 years as a Coach.

Lesson #3

How to Develop Your Own True Strength so that you can Change Even More LIVES!

Lesson #4

How to BEST Scale Your Message, Story, and Purpose to Create Even More Influence & IMPACT in the World.

Lesson #5

Strategize and Find Opportunities so You Can Stay Focused on Mission-Critical!!

If you take the time to watch this free training all the way through, then I promise that by the end you can look for these results:

Result #1

You will learn some interesting tips, tricks and skill sets of the “great” that you can apply to your own coaching.

Result #2

You will have even more wisdom on what TO DO…and what NOT TO DO to spare you a lot of time, energy, and money.

Result #3

GROWTH. By attending this training, you will be exposed to a new set of tools and wisdom to help people breakthrough whatever may be holding them back.

Result #4

You will feel even more confident to go deeper with people to make a stronger connection, build trust and help them achieve even greater success & significance.

Result #5

You will feel and experience amazing success when someone truly transforms their life for the better. Furthermore, you will be on point with your “north-star” and realize that you are living your deepest and most divine purpose.

Result #6

You will be exposed to some new and awesome opportunities for coaches that you probably have never considered before…and that align with your gifts & skill sets to GROW your influence, income, and impact.

Result #7

The mere fact that you will be on this training will expose you to a mindset to THINK differently about how you approach “coaching” and forever change the trajectory of your IMPACT.

Listen, I have spent the past few years developing my world-class IMPACT Coaching and God-Sized Dreams Coaching Programs.

I’ve used these coaching strategies with ALL of my clients...

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here is what other people are saying about how we coach:

“In a season of life where I was at my lowest, the God-Sized Dreams coaching program helped me to reignite my faith, purpose, passion, fitness, and relationships. If you are ready and willing to light the torch from within and become the best version of yourself, look no further. Todd’s coaching will forever change your life.”


Traveling Nurse

“The energy, the love, the encouragement in this coaching program is amazing. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by Todd and this team. Keep pushing forward!”



“When I thought I was going to give in and call it a day, SNAP! The IMPACT band around my wrist called me out and sent me to Todd’s ‘Get Your Mind Right’ message. There have been moments in the past where I had completely given up and been content with mediocrity. I can now say with STRENGTH and CONVICTION that My Mind is RIGHT!”


Director of Imaging Services, Children’s Hospital of Orange County IMPACT-X Coaching

“I’m blessed and honored to call Todd Durkin one of my best friends as well as a mentor and coach. He’s someone who has impacted me in the greatest areas of my life and I can promise you this: Todd Durkin will get your mind right however you work with him.”


Former NFL Quarterback

These are just some of the dozens of people who have been through one or more of our different coaching programs.

Now listen…

If you are tired of feeling helpless and done with not being confident enough to make the IMPACT you desire…

Or you love the IMPACT you are making, but want to make even more…

Or you want to see what I’m doing to grow trainers, coaches, life-coaches, and want to be “life-transformers” to maximize their talents, gifts, and skill-sets…

THEN BE ON THIS FREE WEBINAR & I’m going to coach my tail-off for you so YOU can get BETTER!!!

In just 60 minutes or LESS, you WILL BE BETTER from what I share. I can promise you that!

Again, in the first part of the training, I’m going to focus on sharing with you the traits of the greats and analyze the skills needed to be amongst the best. By doing so, you can model as much as you desire to be amongst the greats.

Then we’re going into some of my top lessons and mistakes.

Ughhh. While I hate to admit some of where I’ve made my mistakes, I know they can save you TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars.

Additionally, my lessons can help you create HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Between the two, you will SAVE yourself a whole heckuva lotta TIME, ENERGY, and MONEY.

And towards the very end of the training, I’ll show you exactly how you can take advantage of some of the best opportunities we have in “coaching” today. This will allow you to grow & scale your influence and IMPACT. And to me, that makes me happy!

I personally guarantee you that this training will cut 5-10 YEARS off of your learning curve and prevent you from making many of the common mistakes that many other people make.

It will help you get clear on exactly what it takes to get closer to living your purpose. And by doing so, you can live with more passion. More peace. More fulfillment. And certainly knowing that you are creating MAXIMUM IMPACT!!!

Remember, this training is completely FREE for you, so sign-up today. I’m not doing another one any time soon, so don’t delay…SIGN-UP TODAY!!

In closing, many years ago, I decided that I wanted to IMPACT 10 million people!

I can’t do that alone.

I need to teach other people how to coach so that they can make their own IMPACT, and together we will reach that 10 million (and then some!)

That’s why I’m offering this training. I want to empower you to empower others in a deep and purposeful way!

You are the reason I am here.

I am relentlessly dedicated to serving professionals just like you.

So go ahead and sign up and we’ll see you inside!

Meet Todd Durkin

Todd Durkin, MA, is an internationally recognized strength and conditioning coach, sought-after keynote motivational speaker, and best-selling author who motivates, educates, and inspires people worldwide. He is the mindset coach and trainer behind some of the world’s best athletes, including NFL MVPs, Super Bowl Champions, Heisman Trophy Winners, Olympic and X-Game Gold Medalists, and many other champion athletes, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

As the founder of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, Todd is a two-time Personal Trainer of the Year, the 2017 Jack LaLanne Award recipient, a member of the Under Armour Training Team, and a Greatist named Todd one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Health & Fitness in four different years.

Durkin is also trusted by some of the world’s leading global brands to deliver motivational keynotes and inspirational messages to teams, companies, and conferences to help individuals and teams go from high-performance, or previously high performance, to ELITE performance by helping them recapture their energy, mojo, and mindset. He has keynoted over 300 talks on 5-continents and loves helping individuals and teams create their max impact.

Durkin has published four best-selling books, Get Your Mind Right, The WOW Book, The IMPACT Body Plan, and What’s Next, all of which have changed tens of thousands of lives.

He has an award-winning podcast called the "Todd Durkin IMPACT Show" and a “Dose of Durkin” email newsletter sent out weekly with motivational tips and inspirational messages designed to “Get Your Mind Right”.

Todd’s Coaching Programs have changed and transformed the lives of thousands of people. Between his Todd Durkin Mastermind Program (for fitness pros), his God-Sized Dreams Coaching Program and IMPACT-X program (for high-performers seeking their best life, and his latest initiatives to grow “IMPACT Coaching,” Todd is on a mission to grow a team of IMPACT coaches to proliferate the world and help ALL people live a life full of more passion, purpose, and IMPACT.

Todd has been featured in :

So go ahead and sign up and we’ll see you inside!