Become a Certified

“Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coach”

in Just 6 Months!

Maximize Your Impact & Fulfill Your Life Purpose

Click to watch this video from Todd Durkin describe the IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification.

Todd Durkin Launches Signature
“Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification”

Are you...

A fit pro, trainer or coach

who wants to go deeper with your clients to create the life transformation they seek?

A fitness business owner
who is looking to bring life coaching to your facility?

Someone who is looking to REINVENT yourself
to create a greater IMPACT in the world?

You are a HEART-CENTERED person who LIGHTS UP when you HELP others, but you might be experiencing one (or all) of the following:

  • You see how people are struggling in the world and you want to help, but you don’t have the skills, experience, or confidence you desire to GIVE them what they need.

  • You train your clients to get stronger on the outside, but you want to go deeper and help them TRANSFORM on the inside!

  • You’ve reached a plateau in your career, lost your passion (or it has greatly diminished) for what you’re doing and you feel called to do more. You’re ready for a reinvention!

  • You feel stuck and unsure about what you really want to do with your next “season” of life, and it’s leading to frustration, anxiety and overwhelm.

  • You’re a HELPER—someone who loves to GIVE—but you don’t know the best way to do that.



Not just help people, but also have the skills, knowledge and confidence to help them TRANSFORM their lives.


Feel fulfilled and purposeful so you don’t just feel like you’re going to work every day, but instead, know that you’re truly making an IMPACT.


Be a LIGHTHOUSE for those out there who need to be lifted up, supported and empowered.


The Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification Program

Our Mission

To create maximum IMPACT by equipping purpose-driven men & women to become elite-level COACHES in a world that so desperately needs hope, positivity, guidance, mentorship, wisdom, and soul!

We are committed to NOT ONLY being LIGHTHOUSES in this dark world we live in, but to provide the PATH TO THE LIGHT so that every client we serve can shine radiantly and abundantly.

We WILL create the strongest and most equipped group of IMPACT-driven life-coaches who are dedicated and committed to change the body, mind, and soul of those we touch and coach in ALL areas of life.



As a coach, trainer, and life-transformer with over 20-years experience in changing lives, I have found that most people who are called to help others wish they had more skills to further help people get better at an even deeper level.

Heck, I felt that way, too, early in my career! And throughout my career (even as a trainer), I always wanted to go deeper with people than “just” the physical. In fact, I have built my entire coaching career, not just on helping people get better physically and mentally, but actually helping them TRANSFORM their entire lives, from the INSIDE-OUT. Body. Mind. And SOUL.

And that’s what my new IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification is all about.

Changing more people on ALL levels. From the inside-out. Personally. Professionally. Relationally. A 360-degree approach to CHANGING LIVES. That, to me, is IMPACT.

Sometimes people need to break down before they can break through...

If you’ve ever seen me in person, on videos, or listened to my podcast, then you know that I have the ability to fire people up and motivate them.

But what really lights me up is when I can go deep to get under the surface and find out what really makes a person tick. You’ve probably seen (or heard) me high-fiving someone in one moment and then shedding tears with them the next.

What I’ve learned is that people sometimes need to break down before they can break through.

Not always. But many times people are stuck.

They’re telling themselves stories that wire them in a way that they can’t get out of their own way.

And they have dreams and aspirations and want success...but can never reach them.

Until they do. And it’s cathartic. It’s transformative. And it’s LIFE-CHANGING!!!

That’s called COACHING. And that’s called IMPACT.

My friends, you know that coaching people is hard work. Harder than most people think.

There’s a lot of emotional and behavioral change that’s necessary to get transformative, long-lasting results by a client.

Coaching also often requires a client to be vulnerable.
It requires a level of trust between client and coach.

And it requires WORK, by both the coach and the client.

But let me tell you what, have you ever experienced that MOMENT, that light-bulb moment when a client finally “gets it”? They step up. They take action. They commit. They lean in on you. They start seeing progress and results.

Their energy shifts.

Their relationships shift.

Their health shifts.

Their finances shift.



Here’s what’s included in The Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coaching Program


This 6-month program is designed to give you everything you need to become an elite level life coach. It begins with 3 months of intensive curriculum where you will do a deep dive into understanding human behavior. Then we teach you specific coaching techniques that will empower you to be the best coach you can be for your clients. We also give you a series of brand and business-building lessons to help you get your first clients and begin to grow your own coaching business. In months 4-6 you continue with an apprenticeship that allows you to practice what you’ve learned. You will begin coaching clients while receiving the guidance, feedback and mentorship you need to gain confidence in your practice.


To be a life coach, you need to have a basic understanding of human behavior and what makes people tick. You also need to learn how to create a relationship built on trust that lets you go DEEPER with your clients so they can truly transform their lives. And in order to build your coaching business, you need a proven set of systems and tools as well as the business development and marketing skills that will lead you to success. We call this our Playbook. All of that is available to you in the Coaching Portal, and it is accessible any time, anywhere. The Coaching Portal contains everything you need to confidently be an elite-level IMPACT coach!


For the first 3 months, you will engage in weekly LIVE Group Coaching Calls Led by Todd, Kelli Watson, or Lizzie Merritt. The purpose of these calls is to go deeper on the lessons you’ve learned that week, to answer any of your questions, and to provide opportunities to role play and practice your skills. In months 4-6 these will become monthly mentoring calls to keep you accountable as you grow your business and practice your coaching techniques.


Anyone enrolled in the “VIP” program will have 6 additional 1:1 coaching calls with Kelli or Lizzie. These calls are designed to go deeper on your own PERSONAL coaching journey. You can talk through specific questions, discuss coaching situations you’ve experienced, get personalized guidance on developing your coaching business and so much more. Personal 1:1 coaching helps you streamline your learning curve and give you even more confidence as you go out and coach others.


As a Todd Durkin IMPACT Life Coach, you gain access to a private community where you’ll build an important network with like-minded coaches who are all committed to creating maximum IMPACT. In other words, you don’t have to figure all of this out on your own. The relationships you develop will give you support, inspiration, feedback and guidance and also give you opportunities to collaborate and grow to make an even bigger difference in the world.


Between Todd, Kelli and Lizzie, we have more than 50 years of coaching experience. We’ve worked with thousands of clients around the world, and we’ve studied from many of the “greats” when it comes to coaching, including Tony Robbins, Martha Beck, Jack Canfield, Robin Sharma, and many more. In this program, you have the opportunity to learn from our team’s expertise and insights on everything from psychology, human behavior, human performance, business development, marketing, branding, and so much more. Leveraging our wealth of knowledge will minimize your learning curve and maximize your success!


The world needs COACHES now more than ever! And as we grow our IMPACT coaching programs, we are going to need more coaches. We will be looking to “fill our bench” with our very own IMPACT Certified Life Coaches which means that this certification gives you the opportunity to be a part of our Team!


Months 1, 2 & 3

Phase 1: Coaching Greatness & What It Means to be an IMPACT Coach (Foundations, Principles, and getting Fired-Up for Your Future as a Life-Coach)

● What Life Coaching Is and What it Isn’t.

● What It Means to be an I.M.P.A.C.T. Coach.

● Foundational Principles, Core Values, Mission, and Expectations

● Are you ready to step-up to a world that does NOT yet exist? 

● Todd’s Coaching YOU in his system the entire time.

● First 30-days will be doing intensive work on YOU 

Phase 2:  Understanding Human Behavior (so you can coach it!)

● Alignment vs. Misalignment

● Mental Models, Beliefs and Behaviors

● The Victim Drama Triangle The Infinite “8” 

● Basic Human Needs and How They Guide Behavior

● Outline and Strategy for Delivering an Effective Coaching Call

● TD’s Coaching Goes Deeper on your vision for your career and life

Phase 3: Program Specific Coaching to Maximize IMPACT

● It’s time to COACH! What does that really mean?

● How to use the IMPACT Model and maximize the results

● TD’s Top “MUST-DO’s” to Maximize your Life-Coaching business.

● Framework for 60-, 90-, 180-, or 1-year IMPACT-Life Coaching Program

● Review of the Unique IMPACT Tools; “TD’s IMPACT Toolbox”

Phase 4:  Build Your Coaching Brand and Practice

● How to price your services appropriately 

● How to generate cash flow 

● Maximizing Marketing Assets to Grow your Coaching Business

● Developing Your Marketing & Sales Strategies to Find Your First Clients

● 5-Specific Digital and Social Media campaigns to Grow Your Business

● Learn how to  Develop the Back End of Your Business

● How to Get More Speaking Opportunities Gathering Testimonials

● Set business and financial goals with Todd so you can design your coaching business

Months 4, 5 & 6 (Apprenticeship)

Phase 5:  Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coaching Practicum

● Begin Working With Your First Clients

● Receive Ongoing Mentorship and Coaching 

● Role Play Scenarios to Help You Improve

● Get Support Every Step of the Way

● A student will be required to complete 75-coaching hours

● LIVE EVENT and Graduation in San Diego!!!

Here’s What They’re Saying

Check out some of the testimonials from our graduates.

~ Rob Barr
Life Coach

The Todd Durkin Impact Life Coach certification program has been a transformative journey that has profoundly impacted my life in countless positive ways. Discovering my passion and purpose through this program has enriched my personal life and elevated my professional endeavors. 

Learning how to assist others in unlocking their maximum potential and guiding them to live their best lives has been an experience beyond my wildest expectations.

The comprehensive programming and education provided throughout the 6-month duration have equipped me with invaluable skills and insights. Moreover, the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals has been instrumental in broadening my perspective and fostering personal and professional growth. 

I can genuinely say that this certification program has been a life-changing chapter, and I am grateful for the profound impact it has had on my life in all aspects.

~ Judi Isaacson
Life Coach

"For 18 years I've been following this visionary. Each time Todd has an idea or calling he ALWAYS over delivers …

From a distant dream to a vibrant reality! It's astonishing to reflect on how six months ago when I signed up for the Todd Durkin Impact life coaching certification journey, I had no idea it would reignite the passion within me that had dimmed over the past three years. I was lonely as if stranded on a solitary island. However, the dynamic, growth-minded community  of fire-breathing dragons rekindled that inner flame.

Under the guidance of Todd, Kelli, and Lizzie, this team's unwavering dedication helped us learn and master our craft. Each week was a revelation, teaching us the art of listening, the power of questioning, and the importance of introspection. They reminded us that within ourselves lie all the answers we seek. Indeed, iron sharpens iron, and in this period of growth, we emerged stronger and more focused.

As I prepare to journey to San Diego next week for our graduation, I am filled with excitement to step into this next  chapter of my life. My soul brims with anticipation at the prospect of shining a light on others, igniting their fires with the same passion, purpose, and love for life that has reinvigorated my own. This isn't just a certification; it's a calling—a calling to empower and inspire others to embrace their fullest potential and live their most vibrant lives." 

~ Travis Barnes
Life Coach

The IMPACT Life-Coaching program has significantly enhanced my leadership skills, fostering a newfound sense of empathy and understanding within me. It has equipped me to be a better friend, listener, and overall, a better human being. 

One of the most profound shifts I've experienced is how I approach offering guidance. I no longer rush to provide advice; instead, I create a safe and supportive space for individuals to open up and share their truths. I've learned the art of asking the right questions, guiding them to discover their own solutions, and empowering them to realize the inherent wisdom within themselves.

In essence, the IMPACT Life-Coaching program has enriched my professional journey and deeply touched every facet of my personal growth. I am immensely grateful for the invaluable lessons and tools it has bestowed upon me, and I am excited to continue making a positive IMPACT in the lives of others, guided by the principles I've learned through this remarkable program."

~ Elizabeth McDonough
Life Coach

Todd has a gift for pulling together amazing groups of high energy, growth oriented, like-minded souls.  

The IMPACT Life Coaching program has been life changing!! It's allowed me; to go deeper within, to unlock my own limiting beliefs, to find my voice, to develop a new sense of confidence, and most importantly it has allowed me to risk connection and foster so many new deep friendships."

~ Matthew Smith
Life Coach

When this program was announced I knew it was an opportunity I had to jump on. I participated in the one-day IMPACT Coaching program at the end of 2020 and hoped that there would be something more. When I heard Todd would offer a six-month IMPACT Life Coaching certification, I knew I had to join. Knowing Todd, I knew this would be a special course. 

It has lived up to that and much more. I signed up for the course to add a tool to my toolbox for helping my athletes. This program has provided me the chance to learn how to help my athletes on a deeper level. I have learned how to help guide my athletes to the answers they have inside themselves to increase their performance and reach their goals. 

The program has also provided me with a fantastic community of like-minded individuals. This group has shared wonderful ideas and lifted each other up. I have found a deeper calling to help my athletes beyond a physical (injury prevention/rehab) level. I am excited to take this knowledge and spread IMPACT through the athletic community. Much love and appreciation to Todd, Kelli, Lizzie, and Julie; this program was awesome!!


It’s time to pause and ask yourself some big questions:


just one lesson in the Coaching Portal transforms the way you interact with people and allows you to help someone breakthrough to their own greatness?


just one conversation in a LIVE Coaching Session gives you the confidence you need to coach someone to

transform their life?


just one strategy

in the Coaching Playbook allows you to begin a purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling business?


there is a moment

when you breakthrough your own fears and uncertainties to create a LIFE of MAXIMUM IMPACT?

Consider the IMPACT of these kinds of transformative changes!

How would it change your energy, your mindset, your inner-circle… and ultimately your business and your life?

You’re an extraordinary person who wants to give more. You have more in the tank to give and you sense that you could make a bigger difference in the world. Along with Kelli and Lizzie and my entire team, we are here to teach and guide you towards that goal.

And if you are ready to step into being the kind of coach who TRANSFORMS LIVES and CREATES MAXIMUM IMPACT…now is that TIME!

And then some...

Bonus 1:

LIVE EVENT: Nov 14th -17th, 2024 (Whitefish, MT)

You will get all details when you Sign-Up for the Certification but this will be a 2.5 Day Retreat that will tend to your own body, mind, and soul…and get your entrepreneurial juices flowing.

VALUE: $999.00

Bonus 2:

LIVE EVENT: March (TBD)2025 (San Diego, CA)

Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification GRADUATION and Retreat.

This event will be exclusive to only the graduates of our program. Exact dates will be announced after the launch of our program.

VALUE: $2,000.00

Bonus 3:

Exposure to Two of my “IMPACT-X” Coaching Calls…

IMPACT-X is currently my highest level coaching program. You will get the opportunity to see “inside” of how I coach a $2,000 per month coaching program.

Value: Priceless

Bonus 4:


I love surprises. I can’t tell you what they are because then they wouldn’t be a surprise. But I can promise you this…I ALWAYS have some surprises up my sleeve and this will be NO DIFFERENT.

Value: More than the investment in the program.

You’ve already met me, so let me introduce you to my two incredible Co-Coaches:

Meet Kelli Watson

Kelli Watson is a best-selling author, coach, presenter, and entrepreneur. Since 2013 she has been a Platinum Level Coach for the Todd Durkin Mastermind Group where she provides business and personal development coaching for fitness professionals around the world. In 2018 she also became a coach and coordinator for Todd’s God-Sized Dreams and Impact Coaching Programs.

In 2017, she co-founded Scriptor Publishing Group, a company dedicated to helping people share their stories and publish their books. Since then, she has helped hundreds of authors from all over the world go from dream…to published.

Kelli holds a master’s degree in counseling education and certifications in Life Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and Personal Training. She currently lives in Upstate New York with her husband, Graeme. Together, they have 5 children.

Meet Lizzie Merritt

Lizzie Merritt is an author, coach, podcast host and loves empowering others to step into their unique strengths. She serves as a life coach in Todd’s God-Sized Dreams and Impact Coaching Programs.

As a professional weight loss coach, she specializes in helping people figure out why they don’t do the things they think they should do in order to lose weight and feel happy.

She believes that diets are just the worst; the only way to lose weight is imperfectly; and that weight loss is much more about what’s between your ears than what’s on your plate. Check out her book to learn about all the things that diets don’t tell you.
She also runs Spartan races, cries at cheesy commercials, and is a huge Marvel movie nerd.

Inside the Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification, you’ll get:

  • Recordings of all LIVE Coaching Calls

  • Access to curriculum on human behavior and coaching techniques that will give you the background and knowledge to be an elite-level Life Coach

  • Copies of all of our IMPACT Coaching Tools and Systems

  • Brand building strategies and marketing tools to help you build your coaching business

  • Connection to our extraordinary TD IMPACT Life Coaching Network

  • Opportunity to become part of the Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching Team

  • Graduation Ceremony, Certificate, and 1-year license to use all “Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching” collateral and assets

Frequently Asked Questions

I have been considering life coaching, what makes this program different from any of the others?

This program is built on the unique coaching style and strategy used by Todd Durkin for over 20+ years.. And there is no one like him! In addition, this program offers you the opportunity to coach and mentor in 3 realms —physically, mentally, and spiritually. It will help you engage with clients to “get their minds right”, and it provides an opportunity to help people who want to go deeper with their own faith.

I am not a fitness professional, is this program for me?

Yes it is! Although Todd is well-known in the fitness industry, he has transcended that to be the ultimate “Life Coach.” If you are a trainer or fit-pro looking to gain these types of skills, this certification is for ANYONE who is looking to help people in their lives to get better. Whether you’re already a coach and want to enhance your skills, or you are looking to use your skills in another profession, this program will give you all the tools you need to help transform lives!

I do not intend to become a life coach, I just want to use the skills in my current profession. Would this training still be appropriate for me?

Yes. The skills and knowledge you gain in this program will help you understand human behavior in a way that has ripple effects in all aspects of your life. You can begin using your new skills in your current profession right away. While it is designed to equip someone to be a full-time life-coach if they choose, it’s going to be a tremendous value and education for anyone enrolled.

Is this program delivered in person or online?

The program will be delivered online which means you can join us from anywhere in the world. And ALL the LIVE calls are recorded, so you can watch them any time. There will be 2 LIVE/in-person events that you are welcome to attend but they are NOT mandatory.

Is this program accredited by the International Coach Federation?

This program is not affiliated with the ICF or any other similar body. It is a unique and specific program founded on Todd’s coaching background and style. It stands on its own merit of high integrity and is underscored by the results it has generated in the 20+ years that Todd has been coaching. If you value a unique training that will IMPACT your life and the lives of your clients, then you’re in the right place.

What are the exact requirements I need to meet in order to become IMPACT Coach certified?

Requirements for the IMPACT Coaching Certification include:

Over a period of 6 months:

● 3 months of intensive curriculum

● Weekly coaching calls to learn and understand content

● 3 months of “apprenticeship” where you can practice your craft under our guidance

● 75 hours of practice coaching 

● Final exam to show you understand the material

When can I start earning money as a coach?

You can begin earning money as part of your practice coaching sessions. We will provide guidance on how to charge for your programs, how to set up payment solutions, and how to “sell” your service in order to get more paying clients.

Is there anyone for whom this program would not be appropriate?

● It’s not for you if you are content with what you are doing and where you are at.

● It’s not for you if you would rather receive coaching…than BE a coach. This program is for people who want to be a LIFE-COACH. It is not a therapy program.

● It’s not for you if you're looking for a “Get certified in a Weekend” program. This is NOT that. This program is a 6-month commitment. It’s no joke. 

● It’s not for you if you want “easy.” This program will require approximately 2-3 hours per week of coaching with me and my team on calls, in coaching sessions, reviewing tutorials, and a whole lot more…

● It’s not for you if you are not truly interested in helping people.

What can I ultimately do with a life coaching certificate?

Some people who complete this program will become full-time life coaches. Others will coach part time or even incorporate their new coaching skills into their current career. Some coaches apply their training to leadership, management and consulting.

What is the cost of this program?

Submit your application, and you will receive an email with full details on pricing. The program has been priced to make sure that cost is not an issue for anyone wanting to become a Todd Durkin IMPACT Life-Coach.

Don't wait!

You’re ready to get to another level…

You’re hungry to live a more purposeful and fulfilling life…

You see people hurting and you want to help them on all levels…

You’ve got more to give, and you’re ready to share it.

I do, too!

And that’s why I am extending this PERSONAL INVITATION to you.

My mission has been to IMPACT 10 million people.

Together, we could expand that to 100 million!

But if we are going to get there, it requires more of ME... and more of YOU!

It’s time to step up and PLAY BIG!

The journey to EXTRA-ORDINARY starts here!

Transforming a life is one of the most rewarding, fulfilling and purposeful things you can do! But you can’t do it alone. You need education, experience, support and a Team to give you the confidence and knowledge to make a difference. You are a remarkable person with so much to offer, let’s work together to unlock your potential and give you the opportunity to create the IMPACT you want to make in the world.

Let’s go, Coach! The journey to EXTRA-ORDINARY starts here! Seize the day! Your future self….and all the people who are out there waiting for you to be their coach….will thank you!!!

Includes A Full 30-Day

Money-Back Guarantee

To ensure financial worry, uncertainty, or fear don’t prevent you from becoming a Todd Durkin IMPACT Life Coach, every cent of your enrollment fee is backed by my 30-day “IMPACT Guarantee.”

If you follow the program to a T, complete your milestones as laid out for you by your coach, and do not feel you’re on the right path forward during our first 30 days working together, I will personally refund your entire enrollment fee.

That’s how confident I am in this program… and that is why I’m offering you this rare money-back guarantee.

So what are you waiting for?